1. How many Erasmus students does Hacettepe University receive per year?

Hacettepe University receives more than 120 incoming erasmus students per year from all over Europe. These students may choose to come to study in Hacettepe either for the Fall or Spring semester, or in some cases for a full Academic year (both semesters). 

2. I want to attend Hacettepe University as an Erasmus student. Whom should I write first? Which Office is responsible for the Erasmus Programme?

The European Union Office is responsible for the administration of the erasmus programme in Hacettepe University For application procedure please click  http://www.abofisi.hacettepe.edu.tr/eng/basvuru.shtml  Please fill out the student affairs Office form, application form and Learning Agreement and send back by fax (+90 312 297 7165) or by e-mail tubayil@hacettepe.edu.tr So, your documents will be sent to the related departmental coordinator for approval.

European Union Office also sends copies of your approved documents to Registrars Office to start paper work. Registrars Office prepares the official documents which are required by Police Department to get students’ residencial permits. Your identification cards are prepared by Registrars Office also.

The website of the International Relations Office of Hacettepe University : www.abofisi.hacettepe.edu.tr

The person responsible for incoming Erasmus students is Mrs.Tuba Yildirim

Tel.:(+90 312 2977167) Fax :(+90 312 2977165) E-mail address: tubayil@hacettepe.edu.tr

Full Address:Hacettepe University Rectorate Building first floor-Beytepe     Ankara - Turkey
We strongly recommend to send your e-mails to both Mrs Tuba Yildirim and www.abofisi.hacettepe.edu.tr 

3. What are the application deadlines?

Please check the website for the current information regarding dates.


4. Where can I find more detailed information about the Erasmus program of Hacettepe University?

For more detailed information about the Erasmus Programme of Hacettepe you should visit the website of the International relations office of the University: http://www.abofisi.hacettepe.edu.tr/eng/

5. Does European Union Office organize an Orientaton Week for Incoming Erasmus Students?

Yes! In the beginning of every semester European Union Office organizes an Orientation Week in order to give the Erasmus students a chance to get to know each other. Although it is not obligatory to join the programme, we highly recommend students to attend the week.

Current academic year fall and spring semesters orientation week :

Please check the website for the current information regarding dates.


 6. Does Hacettepe University organize trips for Erasmus students?

Yes! Every semester European Union Office organizes trips to several places like, Beypazarı, İzmir, Kapadokya, Konya, Safranbolu-İnkum-Amasra, Truva-Çanakkale, Olympos-Antalya trips will be organized in 2008-9 academic year.

7. Does Hacettepe University European Union Office have a mailing list for the incoming Erasmus students?

Yes! We use a Yahoo-Group mailing list to communicate with the Erasmus exchange Students.

8. Can you describe the Academic Calendar for Erasmus students in Hacettepe University?
Please check the website for the current information regarding dates.

9. Should I get a student visa before coming?

Once you have decided to study at Hacettepe University, you should contact the Turkish Embassy or the closest Turkish Consulate in your home country to determine the necessity for and the type of visa necessary for you to remain in Turkey for the duration of your study period. The application for the visa should be made well in advance so that your studies will not be delayed. You should also make sure that your passport’s expiration date is later than the period of time that you will be in Turkey.

10.How do I apply for a residence permit?

All students who are not Turkish citizens or residents are considered international students and need a residence permit. Within 30 days of your arrival in Turkey you will need to apply for a residence permit. This will allow you to travel in and out of Turkey without re-applying for a visa. In order to get a residence permit you have to apply to the Turkish Security Department. Necessary documents will be announced to you at the orientation week.

The EU Office will take the ERASMUS students to the Police Station to get their residence permission, however, this will be done only once and the students must remember that it will be hard for them to take their permits by themselves.

After applying, the residence permit takes about two weeks to process. The      authorities may keep your passport while processing. It will then be returned to you along with your residence permit. Take the permit with you if you leave the country because you will need it to re-enter.

11.Should I have an International Health Insurance before coming?

You should have an International Health Insurance which covers Turkey

After your arrival,take your Insurance policy to following address to get the necessary signatures from Local Health Authority:

“SSK Ankara İl Müdürlüğü, Ulucanlar Eski Ankara Cezaevi yanı 2.kat”

Phone: 90 312 363 77 20     fax: 90 312 362 86 38

12. How will I register for the courses, and where will I get my Identification card?

Undergraduate students should go to Registars’office for registration and to do other necessary paper work. (student number, identification card etc.)

Graduate students should go to related Enstitute instead of Registrars Office for registration and other paper work.

13. How can I reach European Union Office and my department?

The European Union Office arranges your welcome to Ankara if you arrive during weekdays (Monday through Friday) and working hours (8:30-17:30).

If you plan to come at weekend or wish to come by yourself please click on the link below:


• Does the University with which cooperation will be done have to be recognized by Council of Higher Education(YOK)?

Yes. The prospective partner university’s authorization to give academic degrees must be approved by YOK.

    • Can’t a university that is unrecognized by YOK become a partner university?

It can but the classes taken within the scope of such a partnership and its credits would not count towards a degree. Moreover, scholarships and grants would not be eligible in this case.

   • The prospective university with which partnership will be formed is a very old and prestigious university. Is it still necessary to request recognition from YOK?

Yes. To avoid problems later on, it is essential to receive recognition from YOK in official letter.

    • Can I get in touch personally for the recognition request?

Academic cooperation protocol signing procedures(processes?) are managed by the Education Exchange and Bilateral Protocols (EEBP) unit within our university. To receive recognition ( a recognition letter?) from YOK in official letter, you have to communicate with EEBP.

    • Can talks with the other university begin without having received the recognition letter?

In this case, representatives of the other university should be informed that the recognition from YOK is a preqrequisite. Our university’s units(okay to always use unit?) can’t begin the procedures without recognition from YOK.

    • Can it also be required to request approval for the protocol text that is going to be signed?

Yes it could be required. In this case, EEBP will lead the process.

    • Will there also be an additional protocol to sign besides the academic cooperation protocol?

       The first text to be signed for cooperation is the Memorandum of Understanding. On top of this draft text , protocols specifying “the cooperation to take place” can be signed (eg. Student Exchange Protocol, Protocols Regarding Implementation of a Joint Diploma Program etc.) Additional protocols may be added into the draft protocol for signing or they can be signed later in the process of cooperation.

   • Is there an Academic Cooperation Protocol text that Hacettepe University accepts? 

Yes. This text that was prepared as a draft was approved by our Legal Counsel. English and Turkish texts can be reached from this link.

  • Who signs the Academic Cooperation Protocols at our university?

They are signed at the level and by the Rectorship. OPP presents the agreed protocol text with an official letter to the Rectorate. Two copies of the signed protocols are sent to the relevant university by OPP for the signing procedures and the other copy is requested to be sent back to our university.

  • The university we want to cooperate will sign the protocol at the Dean's level and this protocol has been arranged to cover only this faculty. Can the Faculty Dean sign the Academic Cooperation Protocol?

  The relevant Faculty Dean's Office must request a signing authority from Rectorship with an official letter. When the authority is given, Dean can sign the protocol.

  • Is it possible for the other university to sign first or to have it signed and brought by hand?

Yes, any party can sign first. The important thing is that two copies are needed, and that both copies are signed by the authorized representatives of both universities. Signing of the protocol can be done with a visit and/or ceremony.

• Can the text of the protocol be signed in different languages?

Yes. Our university prefers to sign the protocols in English and Turkish. However, there is no harm in signing a protocol in another third language. It is necessary to make sure that all texts are the same. Yet, it is not appropriate for a protocol to be signed mainly in a language other than English and Turkish.

• How can I find the originals of signed protocols?

The signed protocols are archived in OPP system. They can be accessed from Hacettepe University homepage and http://www.int.hacettepe.edu.tr/.

• Can any support be requested from the General Office of Foreign Affairs, and Protocols and Partnerships at every stage?

Yes, it can be requested. However, in order to maintain the process steadily, it is necessary to inform the office at first. It should be noted that the support and assistance of OPP regarding the protocol procedures that are not carried out together will not be possible.